Pestlab Exterminator

PestLab Exterminator offers Western standard pest control service in 11 Provinces with office in Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Kampot since 2016. Our expertise from Europe is available for individuals and businesses. We use internationally authorized products that respect environment and health They are recommended in the practice of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and for the procedures based on HACCP.

Always looking for new treatments, new products and new process, we are in particular the main partner of Biogents in Cambodia with more than 100 eco-friendly mosquito traps installed. This eco-friendly technique continuously reduces the general population of mosquitoes around the traps without any hazard for health and environment. Using these traps helps to reduce the risk of dengue while eliminating the pollution from insecticide and micro-particules that are emitted by thermal fogging.